La Cantante Bianca Sapet

Bianca Sapet is a San Anto, Tejas singer that merges her love of Mexican, Mexican-American, Chican@ folklore with her passion for social justice. Her repertoire includes, boleros, rancheras, polkas, Afro-Cuban rhythms, Chicano Soul, and ancient indigenous rhythms of Mexico.  With a background in sociology and working for many years in social services, she brings something different to the music world. Sapet transmits the spirit of the songs of her ancestors as a means to heal herself and others. Sapet is intrigued by the healing potential of music and the ability to transcend barriers through music. She hopes to perpetuate the folklore of her ancestors through her own interpretation and reinterpretation.



Selected  Performances



She Wears Bells: Aztec Operetta

Jump-Start Performance Co. presents an INKubator production

She Wears Bells

An Aztec operetta by jo reyes-boitel

She wears bells follows the story of the Aztec god Coyolxāuhqui who lost her place as the god of war in a battle with her brother, was dismembered and then exiled to the moon.Is Coyolxauhqui seemingly dead or can she transform into the god she needs to be in order to claim a new legacy?

San Antonio, Texas

Friday, June 26, 2020 and Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 8pm.

Joaquin “Muerte” Abrego (percussion/Chorus)
Giomara Bazaldua (Choreographer/Actor/Dancer)
Ceiba ili (Flutes/Marimba)
Jaime Ramirez (Piano/Marimba/Chorus)
jo reyes-boitel (she/her/they) (Creator/Actor/Writer)
Bianca Sapet (Primary Vocalist/Chorus)
Lilith Tijerina (Lighting Designer)
Jess Hawkins (Co-Director, Production Lead)
Joyous Windrider Jiménez (Co-Director, videographer)
Barbie Hurtado (Technical Development)
Curated playlist by Bonnie Ilza Cisneros (aka DJ Despeinada)

Dualidad: Todas las Partes de Mi Ser Biographical Exhibit by Debora Vasquez with performance by Bianca Sapet, Giomara Bazaldua, and Yoandri Kindelan Sierra in La Marca Gallery 

Habana, Cuba

May 18, 2018 


On and Off Fred Studio Tour 2017 

Corazones on Fire~ Painting with a Cultural Edge

February 19, 2017


I performed Curandera, by Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez with Zombie Bazaar Panza Fusion.

Luminaria Arts Festival 2015 performance of Curandera

February 19, 2016


Curandera Installation by artist, Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez

Choreography: Zombie Baazar Panza Fusion

Music: Pablo Mancias, Estevan Ramirez, Carlos de la Garza, and Giselle Vasquez


SA Family Pride Fair Historical Market Square June 6, 2015


1st  annual SA Family Pride Fair, an  LGBTQ Celebration in the Historical Market Square

Wellesley College Dia De Los Muertos Celebration November 3, 2014


A presentation on the signification of Day of the Dead from a Chicana perspective by artist and professor, Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez. This presentation included a musical performance.


Las aVenturas y traVesuras of Siempre Norteada y Loco-Loca:Sha-Hell No! Reading and Performance

E.V.A. Gallery August 22, 2014


A theatrical presentation by playwright, Virginia Grise which included a musical performance.


La Siete Guerilleras Project Ceramic Art Exhibit Southtown Garden

June 1, 2013


A night of musical performance in the beautiful Southtown Garden.

Ponme La Mano Aqui Performance La Victoria Gallery

March 24, 2013


A queer cabaret style performance inspired by the songs of Chavela Vargas. An excerpt of this work in progress (featuring the writing of Virginia Grise and Maria Salazar) was presented as part of the art exhibit Trannies, Machas and Queers OH MY! curated by Deborah Vasquez & Victoria Garcia in San Antonio, Texas. Music by Neza Calderon & Bianca Sapet.

NACCS Conference Workshop: Chicana Superheroes, Cantantes, and Cantineras: Making Arte Tejana Style

 San Antonio Omni Hotel

March 21, 2013


A presentation on Chicana Art which included a musical performance.


 Christmas Show Historical Market Square December 22, 2012


An afternoon of traditional Latin-American and Spanish Christmas music.



Winter Solstice: Madre Tierra Spirituals SA Shambala Center

December 21, 2012


A musical performance at the SA Shambala Center’s Winter Solstice Celebration.


La Guerrillera Project: Dando a Luz con la Magia del Arte @ the Gloria Anzaldua Conference

 UTSA Downtown

 May 18, 2012


 A panel discussion by Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez, Bianca Sapet, and Barbara Renaud Gonzales about the healing power of art. A musical performance followed.


Flippin San Antonio Alamo Plaza

 June 23, 2011


 Rolando Briseño organized the Flippin San Antonio Fiesta, a community-based event featuring Briseño’s statue, Flippin San Antonio, as part of a procession through the Alamo Plaza. A musical performance started the event.